Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Like a butterfly!

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."

I love that saying!!

....sometimes we go through hard times and we think that it might never end.  We might be having problems with friends or parents or just bummer thoughts about ourselves.  Well you know what?  You are that butterfly.  You might not feel like that right now.  You might feel like that caterpillar.  But you are going through life and becoming the woman-girl that you are meant to be!  You are becoming that butterfly!  So get ready to spread your wings and fly!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

National HEART month

Did you have a happy Valentine's Day? I hope so!

I think you should give yourself a post Valentine's gift and I have a great idea on the best gift you can give yourself: THE GIFT OF TAKING CARE OF YOUR HEART.

February is American Heart Month. The goal is to raise public awareness about heart disease. Did you know that it is the leading cause of death in women?

Here are some things you can start doing now at your age to take care of your heart. Make sure you pass on the information to someone you love - that helps your heart and theirs :)

Limit your intake of fat
Choose heart-healthy fats over saturated fats and trans fats
Limit your intake of sugars
Limit your intake of sodium/salt
Choose more whole grains, legumes, fresh produce and low fat dairy products
Choose lean meat and poultry
Include fish in your diet
Exercise portion control
Become physically active for 30 to 60 minutes a day

Happy HEART month!


(picture courtesy of heart health month website.)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Movement Challenge

It's cold outside today--REALLY cold.  Today, I am going to do this challenge for a little movement.  MY BODY NEEDS IT-- especially today when I am curled up next to the fireplace.  Here it is! Thanks to:  http://gonnagiveallmysecretsaway.tumblr.com/page/6 for the idea

Do what you can...it's something to work towards, right?!!  Don't get down on yourself if you can't do them all.  You are moving and that's what counts!    Did you know exercise is a great mood enhancer?  That means if you are feeling kinda sad, exercise will help cheer you up.  I think that's awesome! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

You're MY Valentine

Hi Pink Girl! 

Valentine's Day is right around the corner...guess what?  You're MY valentine.  :) I think you are pretty special.  You have amazing talents, and abilities and you have a rock-star personality.  So don't ever forget it!!!!!!  There is a lot of candy around valentine's day, isn't there?  Here's an idea...pick your favorite piece out of all the candy you get and ask your parents if you can trade in the rest for healthy treats or maybe an ITunes download instead! 

Here is a super sweet idea I found for a healthy valentine...isn't it cute? You could make a sticker for the cutie or even write on the orange.  :)  thanks to twig and thistle.com  for the idea!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

What is in your Closet?

Did you take the closet quiz? Did you have your friends and family take it so you can see the different personalities match your closet style? Here are a couple pictures of my dream closet! These pictures are off pintrest.com. I can't wait to hear your results and see pictures of your current closet and your dream closet!

Friday, February 3, 2012

What is in your closet?

I thought I would do a Friday fun post about what is in your closet! I don't know about you but today I just want to do a little yoga. I am low energy and so are my clients today...maybe because it is snowing in Nebraska??? so.... I thought I would do a fun inside activity.

What is in your closet?
Here's what's in my closet right now. I recognize that it's too much stuff, and I'm working on whittling it down to be more functional and getting rid of those clothes and pictures that I don't need anymore. I notice I have a lot of black clothes, a lot of workout clothes and alot of stuff I do not wear but it is very organized.

Take this fun quiz and see what your closet says about you!!
quiz: What does your closet say about you?

My result is totally me!! It said "I like to take charge! You're the type of girl who plans tomorrow's outfit today. You are stress-free when your closet and your life are organized!

Do you want to participate in the "what is in your closet game?"
You can participate in one, two or all of the following choices below:

1) List what is in your closet in the comment section below.
2) Take the quiz and share your results. Are your results you or are they way off?
3) Show and Tell us! Tell us about your closet and take a picture.
4) Write about your closet - describe how much space you have, what type of clothes are in your closet, how often do you tidy your closet?
5) What are your goals for your closet? Do you have pictures of your dream closet?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


What is your healthy go-to snack?
Lara Bars
Almond butter or Natural Peanut butter on sprouted wheat bread
Greek Yogurt with blueberries
Green tea with honey

Remember that eating a a few healthy snacks during your day helps regulate your appetite and control your blood sugar so you don't feel sluggish and you don't grab for unhealthy foods later because you are starving! Skipping meals often results in overloading when you do eat. Our goal is to maintain a healthy life and have great energy. Try and make the best food choices you can during your day AND exercise regularly.