Monday, March 5, 2012

Keep the good thoughts

Hi Pink Girls!  I had lunch with a good friend today.  It was so good to catch up and see each other.  Don't you love hangin' with your girlfriends...I DO.  :)  Anyway we were talking about all the thoughts that run thru our heads each day and my friend said something really interesting to me!  She said that if we think about a thought for longer than 30 seconds, it sinks into our heart (or subconscience-I believe)

 So you know what that means????

It means that every time you have a good thought that you dwell on, it resonates with in becomes a part of you and you move toward that good thought.  The other side of that is also true---meaning if you focus on a negative thought about you, your friends, or anything else, it becomes part of you and you move toward that negative thought too. 

So, be like a beautiful flower garden--get rid of the weeds and the flowers will grow!! 


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