Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Write in RED

HEY Pink girllllllll  :)  Remember last month how I said that I think this is my favorite day on the pink style planner...well I STILL think so.  :)  You know what to do....go get your lipstick and write those words on the mirror!

Did you feel differently than last month when you wrote them on your mirror?  Maybe you believe it now more than ever or maybe you are just beginning to believe it!  Maybe tomorrow write a different positive saying on your mirror..Show us what you did.  We wanna see it on your mirrors.  :)  Here is a quote that I  thought was fitting for todays post!  Enjoy  <3 

Having choices to be Healthy

Our new e-cookbook available Oct 1.  :)
Hi My Super Pinkalicious Girls  :)  Today we get to choose an activity from the nutrition bubble!  Don't you love having choices to be healthy?  I sure do.  Today one of the options are eating a clean meal.  I know that last month we talked about what that is, right!  (remember, no bags bottles, or boxes)  Eat fruits, veggies, lean meats and drink oodles of water! Sometimes it is a challenge to know what to fix, isn't it!  We hear a lot of pink girls and Moms, and dads say that having some ideas and recipes would be awesome!  So you know what?  We decided to create a healthy, pure-eating cookbook to give everybody ideas and options on how to eat pure and clean.  Isn't that exciting!!!  (we think so!)  So look for the e-cookbook coming out around October 1st--Our next P.I.N.K. Girls bootcamp!!!  AWESOMEEEEEEEEEE see you tomorrow!! :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Jumpin Fun!

Hi PINK GiRl!!!  Today you had to challenge a parent to a jump rope competition.  Did you do it?  I bet you jumped like a champ!  Jumping rope is a great way to get off the couch and move.  I love jumping rope outside and inside!  (Ask your parents if it's okay before you try it!)  I Like trying to do double jumps too....CAN YOU??  ttyl  :) 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Healthy Habits=Healthy Life

Have you ever thought about how your habits create most of your life?  Think about it, if you continually think good thoughts, eat healthy foods, get the right amount of movement into your day--what do you think the outcome will be?   Probably a REALLY GREAT ONE!  That is why we are so excited about all the things you have been doing with your PINK style planner..it healps you create healthy habits!

Healthy Habits=Healthy PINK girl!

Keep creating those healthy habits Pink girl!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Try this!

Sweet potato Fries

You need 1 sweet potato.
Slice the potato into thin strips and place on baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil
and a dash of sea salt and pepper to taste. Bake at 450 degrees for about 20 minutes
until golden brown. A healthy and yummy alternative to french fries!

A sweet potato is high in vitamin c supplying nearly half the daily requirements in one serving. Best of all, they are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, a combination that will regulate blood sugar levels and satisfy your appetite.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Move Today!

Try this fun workout today! Take 10 jumps forward. Do 5 pushups. 5 sit ups. Run around your house once and repeat. Keep moving! The idea is to work your heart. Try and repeat this 3-4 times. Let us know how it goes!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Brainy Breakfast

Some foods help the brain function better and some foods drag down brain performance. Be smart and eat foods that will make you smart. Try these smart foods before school!

Zucchini Pancakes with fruit and almond milk

2 cups shredded zucchini
2 eggs
4 tbsp. whole wheat flour
1 tsp. baking powder
dash of sea salt
2 tbsp. sunflower or sesame seeds

Stir ingredients together until mixed. Pour the batter onto a preheated griddle. Before flipping the pancake, sprinkle on the sunflower or sesame seeds. Top with fresh fruit and enjoy with a glass of almond milk.

P.I.N.K. Girls are smart and P.I.N.K Girls eat smart!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


If you are following your go-to-guide we are on Gratitude and deep breathing. Let's talk about being grateful for a minute. Gratitude is being thankful for all that you have in your life. It is about looking outside yourself and seeing what your teachers, parents or friends do for you. We are not born grateful we have to practice this.
Grateful people are more positive and fun to be around. Grateful people have great attitudes and are happy. Grateful people find the good in every situation. What are you grateful for today girls?


Monday, August 22, 2011

Pictures from our P.I.N.K followers!

The first picture from Chesley and Ainsley is a tip they do to get more water into their day. They add fresh cucumber slices from their garden to their water. What a great idea!

The next picture is Chesley and Ainsley doing the one arm plank homework. Nice job girls! Thanks for sharing. P.I.N.K. GIRLS ARE PROUD!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Try This Exercise!

Happy Sunday! Today is pick an exercise, like jumping rope or doing jumping jacks to your favorite song. I challenge you to try this: JUMP ROPE while doing your jumping jacks! So your feet are going in and out like a jumping jack while you are swinging the rope! It is fun!
Can you do it? How many did you get in a row before you missed? Can your dad or mom do it with you? Good Luck xo

Saturday, August 20, 2011

sparkle and shine

Today is a great day to do something nice for someone else!  It 's time to let your sparkle shine by doing good!  So what are you gonna do today?  Are you gonna help your brother or sister pick up their toys or maybe help your mom make dinner or set the table?  By doing something kind for others, you are showing what being a P.I.N.K. Girl is ALL ABOUT!!  Way to go!!  :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

New. NEw. NEW.

I love trying new things!  I think it's so fun because I don't want to miss out on anything that might be totally cool, fun and different!  I've tried ziplining, mountain climbing, I've ate shark and have traveled to Russia.  Those were all new experiences for me!  One of my most favorite things to do is to try new foods and recipes!  So here is a new one for you to try:

A P.I.N.K. Smoothie

2 c. strawberries

1 c. chopped watermelon

the juice of 1 lemon

the juice of 2 oranges

Put all these yummy ingredients into a blender and mix them right up!  Get out a glass for you and a friend, and pour your super pink smoothie into the glasses!!  ENJOY PINK GIRL!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I like to move it, move it!

So today is a great day to get moving with your family!  You get to choose from the movement bubble at the bottom of your go to guide!  Maybe you can do jumping jacks to your favorite song or get everyone off the couch and do them together?  What's your favorite song right now?  A couple of mine are by Katy Perry and Chris Tomlinson.  What are your parents favorite songs right now?  Ask them, and maybe do jumping jacks to their favorite song too!  TTYL  :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Today I am grateful for:

G- grandparents who love me LOTS!
R- really nice weather
A-always having great friends I can count on!
T-teachers and mentors who care about me!
E-EVERY color of lipgloss  :)
F-family who encourages me to be my best
U-under the roof of my house where I am safe!
L-lunchtime!  I am having an awesome sandwich loaded with veggies today!  yum-o!!

What are you grateful for?  Using the letters in your name, write out the things that you are grateful for!  It would make a cool go to guide page, don't ya think??See ya tomorrow!!


So what did you try yesterday? Maybe it was a kiwi, star fruit, mango, papaya or an avacado?  (did you know that an avacado is technically a fruit?)  Tell me what you tried!  I have seen some pretty cool pictures from you guys showing the fruits that you tried!  Keep up the good work PINK GIRL!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

on the road again...

YOU + Jumping = a step (or jump) to a healthier you

 How long did you go today????  I bet it's longer than last month! 
Way to go PINK girl!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Starting FRESH

Hi PINK girls!  Can you believe that school is almost ready to start?  I had a great summer!  Did you?  I love this time of year because it reminds me of all the new things that are happening...a new school year, a new season is coming...What a great time to start something new or try something again that maybe you quit doing, but loved!  Maybe it's doing an outdoor activity, drawing, singing, whatever it is...RIGHT NOW is a great time to start doing it again!!  So maybe you started out great doing the activities on your pink-style planner, but you got busy and quit doing them.  RIGHT NOW is a perfect time to start doing the activities again.  We are starting over on the planner, today!  If you have been one of those PINK girls that has been doing the planner, high-five to YOU!  Let's see how much progress you have made from last month!  Ready to get started???  I AM!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Practice Gratitude

Slow down this weekend before school starts and think of all the things that are good in your life. Thank your parents, your sister, your brother, friends and grandparents. Tell them what you appreciate about them. Make someone feel good this weekend. Be aware of all the good things in your everyday life. Have a healthy weekend!

Friday, August 12, 2011


Following the calendar it says to pick today from the nutrition category! I picked make a healthy snack. I made a dip for my apples and strawberries. I mixed together a spoonful of almond butter (a great and healthy alternative to peanut butter) and a spoonful of Greek plain yogurt in a bowl and dipped! Easy, and all ingredients are at walmart. LOVE IT!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Try this Exercise Today!

Try this exercise today! It is called a high plank! Can you hold it for one minute? Make sure your buns are down and your shoulders are right over your wrists. Feet are close together and make sure to breath! This exercise is great for your stomach and your arms. Have fun and make your mom do it with you!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Guard your Thoughts!

Whether you are thinking of wanted things or unwanted things you are sending out a request
to get more of what you are thinking about. Start with writing affrimations and put them in
your go-to-guide. I am healthy, happy and succesful. I am intelligent. I am lovable. Keep working on what you say to yourself and to others. What is your postive affrimation today?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Appreciate Your Body Today!

Learn to have a positive relationship with the way you look. Today do something active to
appreciate your body. Swim, bike, do yoga. When you are doing your activity be grateful
that you are healthy, strong and full of energy. Enjoy caring for your body today!

Friday, August 5, 2011

h2ooooooooooh how I love you!!

Water, agua, h2o, whatever you call it...we all need it!  And LOTS of it!  Some of my favorite ways to drink water are with a lemon slice or cucumber slice in a glass with lots of ice so its really cold!  I also like to drink my water with a straw...I don't know why, but I do!  How do you like your water?  In a cup or a bottle, with a little flavor from juice or straight out of the faucet with nothing added?  How much water are YOU gonna drink today?  This post is making me thirsty, I'm gonna go have a glass right now!  Talk to you tomorrow! :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Get your OM on!

Hi My P.I.N.K. yogies...today we are gonna try a couple poses like the ones we did at P.I.N.K. girls bootcamp!  Remember these....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Looking and Believing

I think this might be my favorite day so far on the pink-style planner!  What do you think?  If you haven't done todays activity yet, hurry up and go do it and then come back and finish reading this...it's okay, I'll wait for you!  :)  Get it done????  Great!

What did you think about when you were writing those words?  Did you believe them?  Did you look at yourself in the mirror and say those words and BELIEVE them to be true?  I believe them about me and I believe them about you!  You are those things and so many more!!  Make it a great day...see ya tomorrow!

Monday, August 1, 2011

You choose today!

Hi P.I.N.K. girl!!  How was your challenge yesterday?  I hope you put your results in your go to guide!!  Today is a you choose day under the nutrition know-how bubble.  One of the options is to "eat clean".  So how do you do that?  Just follow this one p.i.n.k. girl rule:  don't eat anything that comes from a bag, bottle, or box!  So what does that mean you can eat?  Anything that didn't come from a bag, box, or bottle--like any fruit, vegetable, lean meat, water...try it, you just might like eating this way more often, and your p.i.n.k. girl body will thank you!